Logistics Management

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Logistics Management

Katwind Logistics Management

The supply of Wind Turbines and their transportation to the field are carried out by us within the optimum cost and legal frameworks without damaging the equipment, we provide consultancy services to the companies that want it.

  • What to do during the shipment of equipment
  • Obligations of the parties
  • Storage of equipment in suitable locations and conditions in the site
  • Damages that may occur on equipment during shipment
  • Contract management
  • Methodology and report request

Katwind service gallery

Katwind Enerji Şantiye Yönetimi
Construction Site Management
Katwind Enerji İş Sağlığı Ve İş Güvenliği Yönetimi
Occupational Health and Safety Management
Katwind Enerji Kamu Evrak Yönetimi
Cost Management

500+ received service from us so far
Modern designs on energy,
renewable solutions

Katwind Enerji Saha Yönetimi Ekibi
Rotor Blade Control and Maintenance
Katwind Enerji Operasyon Bakım
Maintenance & Repair
Katwind Enerji Lojistik Yönetimi
Logistics Management